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Special Thanks

Many individuals and organizations helped InControl Wisconsin create Caring Across Cultures.  Primary funding for the research and development of CAC was provided by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, through a grant from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).  Work was carried out by the CAC team, including project managers Cindy Desch and David Verban, instructional designer Dawn Ramin, InControl Associate Stacy Ellingen, and Michelle Roach and her team at Promote Local.

Thanks to the Board and Associates of InControl Wisconsin, including:

Cindy Desch, Jenny Felty, Laura Hanson, Vicky Gunderson, George Zaske, Hasmig Tempesta, Nancy Gapinski, Mary Haase, Marion Holmberg, Jason Glozier, Stacy Ellingen, Ginny Lukken

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Cindy Desch

Cindy currently works for AssuranceSD focusing on growth and development in the companies that are part of the AssuranceSD family in Wisconsin and Michigan (LKiChoice, Premier, and PAS).  Her approach to this work is centered on relationship building and partnering.


Cindy’s prior work included GT Independence where she was the Chief Talent Officer responsible for employee engagement, learning and development, language access, and culture and belonging; and at TMG where she held a variety of roles from Director of the IRIS Consultant Agency to Senior Director of Organizational Performance and Development.   




Dawn Ramin

Dawn is an independent contractor with over 10 years of experience as an Instructional Designer. She worked for four years in the Home and Community-Based Services industry for an IRIS Consultant Agency and a Fiscal Employer Agent. Before that, her instructional design work was with a K-12 educational software company and a consulting agency.


Dawn is a southern Wisconsin native who moved to Colorado in 2021 with her husband. She enjoys biking, hiking, puzzles, reading, puns, volunteering on a flower farm, and visiting friends and family in her home state.



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David Verban has a long history of leading people and organizations to create inclusive, welcoming environments. He has, throughout his life, worked to support people to live meaningful, self-determined lives by building community and connecting people to their dreams and passions. He has done this work as the Director of non-profit agencies, as a senior leader at TMG, an organization that partners with people across Wisconsin to improve the quality of their health and long-term care, and as a Senior Diversity and Inclusion Consultant at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.


Earlier in his career, he worked in supported employment, and as an advocate for children and adults with disabilities and their families. Dave is also an educator who has taught at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

The Stakeholder Team

The CAC Stakeholder Team provided invaluable contributions throughout the development by reviewing draft materials and providing thoughtful insight into the content, language, and tone of the course modules and resource materials. 

The Stakeholder Team included:

  • Anne Rabin

  • Babette Wine

  • Becky Lentz

  • Benjamyn Deneen

  • Beth Swedeen

  • Bill Huisheere

  • Carrie Gartzke

  • Cindy Bentley

  • Delores Sallis

  • Edward Kohl

  • Elsa Diaz-Bautista

  • Erica Andres

  • Fatou Ceesay

  • Felicia Clayborne

  • Fil Clissa

  • Frank Kooistra

  • Harold Gates

  • Jeff Westra

  • Jenny Felty

  • John O'Keefe

  • Kevin Coughlin

  • Kris Kubnick

  • Langeston Hughes

  • Len Fast

  • Linda Bova

  • Lisa Schneider

  • Maichu Lor

  • Mari Jones

  • Peter Tropman

  • Sara Muhlbauer

  • Shanna Jensen

  • Shia Yang

  • Stefanie Primm

  • Todd Smet

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